I finished and turned in my novel! I had been working my ass off and finally wrapped it up at the end of January. Gave it to my agent and editor last week. My agent loved it, but I haven't yet heard back from my editor. If she likes, we'll move forward to the next phase. Meanwhile, I will start Novel 2 very soon. But it has been nice taking a writing break.
I am off to Buenos Aires on Saturday! Going with my friends Clay and Jason. Should be a blast. We're staying in an apartment in the Palermo area. I imagine we'll do a lot of shopping, eating, drinking, and carousing. Maybe take in a few sights/sites.
Oscars. The freaking Oscars. I am actually missing the Oscars this year! I'll be in a flight home from Argentina. So I will have to watch it on DVR when I get home on the 26th. But really, besides best picture, there don't seem to be too many surprises in store.
More rants, raves, gripes, comments, and news to come.