Thursday, April 06, 2006

Scalia the Asswipe

Not to insult asswipes, who are quite useful, unlike this greasy, scaly beast.

Anyway, so here is a quote from one of our Justice Scalia:

"Question comes up: Is there a constitutional right to homosexual conduct? Not a hard question for me. It's absolutely clear that nobody ever thought when the Bill of Rights was adopted that it gave a right to homosexual conduct. Homosexual conduct was criminal for 200 years in every state. Easy question."
—U.S. Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia, talking to students at the University of Freiburg in Switzerland, according to CNN

Can I add him to my spaceship to send right to the sun? How could I have forgotten him in the first place?

Well, Tony, there are lots of things that nobody ever thought about when they came up with the Bill of Rights. Scalia would probably revoke rights for women and blacks if he could. What about right to privacy? If he wants to haul gays away for being criminals, then he might as well haul away every hetero male who has given his wife oral pleasure, haul away every wife who has given her husband a BJ. Hell, haul away everyone who has non-missionary-style sex, why don't you. How did this jack-ass get appointed? And, scarily, are Roberts and Alito just like him? Thankfully I live in New York, otherwise I might be put in prison for being myself.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I'm a Bad Blogger

Okay, so I haven't written anything in a while. I'm a bad blogger, the same was I became a bad journal keeper.

So, here are some random tidbits, thoughts, etc.

Wither Republicans?
Tom DeLay is finally stepping down. Ding, dong, the witch is dead! Is this a sign of things to come for the Republicans this fall? I've read a lot of articles that predict Democratic gains in the House and Senate. Here's hoping! But don't underestimate the idiocy of American voters to keep many of these creeps in power. Okay, so maybe, maybe the Democrats aren't very visionary these days--as the media continues to tell us. I happen to think they are, but they're not in power and thus have no good way to present their vision. But it doesn't matter--they should win based on the corruption and pure evil-ness of Republican policies. Since we're stuck with Bush for a few more years, having a Democratic-controlled House and/or Senate would be a dream come true. Especially if they can prevent more right-winger white men (or, scarier, right wing women or minorities--who are these people???) from landing in the Supreme Court.

People I'd Like to Put on a Spaceship Headed Straight Toward the Sun
Yes, I'm feeling like a hater today. So, here are some people I wish would vanish off the face of the earth: George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Rummy, Condi Rice, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Focus on the Family, all evangelical Christians, all radical Muslims, all Neocons, Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter, Bill O'Reilly and anyone else on FOX, Jessica and Ashlee Simpson, Paula Abdul. Hmm, I know I could list a lot more. But that would do for now.

Who I Love?
Okay, so not to be a total hater, who (and what) do I love? Well, besides my family and friends and colleagues? Here's a current love list: Natsuo Kirino (author of Out), Deborah Eisenberg, George Clooney, Frank Rich (come back soon!), Paul Krugman, Barack Obama,,,, St. Mark's Bookshop, guys with beards, springtime in New York, Cote du Rhone red wine, wine in general, 24, Lost, Sopranos, especially Michael Imperioli and Edie Falco, Eric Bana, gay French movies, Trouble by Patrick Somerville.
See, I have a lot of love in my heart!